Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I'm playing in layers.

With fingers, sponges, items I find around the house. 

Sometimes my daughter gets in on the action.  We listen to music.  We dance around as we add paint wherever we feel like it. 

Shapes and patterns and mish-mash.

Then I spend some time looking at the chaos to see what appears.

I found this woman on a swing hanging out on the canvas.

It's the last thing I would have thought to paint if I had planned it.

I love this process. Love it.  Love it.  Everyday I'm so excited to get home and play.  Like a wee little kid! 

It's indescribably fun and freeing. 

No pressure.  No dreaded critique.  Have I mentioned that I will never again participate in anything where "critique" is a part of the process?  I've had enough of that in my life, mostly from me. It's the best thing I can think of to kill the creative process.  It's why I've waited so many years to pick up a brush again.

But I'm so glad I did. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

So Ready

I came across this quote from a post today, from Joanna Rothman on one of my favorite sites, Kind Over Matter kindovermatter.com

It speaks so directly to how I've been feeling and where I am.  The Ignite Teacher Training Class will begin in two months and I am so ready to immerse myself in something completely and radically different from anything I have ever done.  My excitement to begin is uncontainable at times, overflowing.  I want to add exclamation points to everything...

"You are ready. Ready for the new. The next. The big, beautiful changes that dance in your mind and heart. You are ready to stand up. Step forward. Live in the brightness of your soul. You are ready. It is why you are here.

You are being called forth into an act of bravery. An act of courage. It takes tremendous presence and fortitude, to look yourself in your eyes and know that you are ready for more. Better. Different. It is powerful to declare that where you are is no longer where you want to be. And then to act on that awareness. To move. To create something that is authentic and real...more suited to who you truly are. To change and create something new."