We've officially launched our Mother-Daughter Business!
In addition to the Saturday Art Adventures we do together, we had our first Arts and Crafts Show.
We sported chocolate mustaches, because well, one must amuse oneself...
I sold a painting and a bunch of earrings-it is such an amazing feeling to make money from your creative efforts. It's 100% YOU! It's not someone else giving you a paycheck. It's really empowering to know that you can. And what great lessons for my daughter...
Who sold all of her duct tape rose pens and some cards that we printed from her artwork. She also set up a little chair for doing hair feathers, which was a hit with the kids too. She said it was "really fun" which means she'll do it again...
I think that shows are a great way to promote your products and ideas and to get your name out there. Some kids asked if they could make the duct-tape roses at the show and that led me to some new ideas for the next show.
- Set up a demo booth and have kids do a make-it-take-it art project to show some of what we do in our Saturday Art Adventures
- Do jewelry making or painting demos to help people connect with the artist behind the art
- Attach cards to the products we sell to guide people to our website for a free "how to" or "how it's made" video